
Monday 6 November 2017

Hello World : here are certain iconic logos that we can all immediately think of. But despite that, some companies still underestimate the importance of their logo.

The truth is, company logos matter and the approach you take to designing one should depend on the industry you’re working with. Fashion logo design can be more creative and artistic because that’s the nature of the industry as well.

If you’ve been tasked with creating a logo for a clothing company, you should be aware of some best practices. Read on for five tips that will help you design the perfect logo.

1. Make Use of Color
Even the most corporate clothing company is still in the fashion business, which is by nature a creative field. As a designer, that should give you more creative freedom when creating the perfect logo.

Think of the way you want a customer to react when they see the logo and consider what colors work to accomplish that. There is a strong connection between emotion and color, so you want to be sure that the hues you’re using make the customer feel the way you want them to.

2. Get to Know the Brand
Fashion logo design is not a “one size fits all” kind of task. The fashion industry is broad, and one company’s personality can vary vastly from another’s.

Get to know the company’s personality by spending time on its website or talking to stakeholders, and let that personality guide your creative process.

If the client you’re working with caters to a higher end, chic clientele, you want to keep your design simple and elegant. Conversely, if a client is more whimsical, you can make your design a little bolder to reflect that.

3. Understand the Target Customer

Just as it’s important to know the personality of the brand you’re working with, you also need to understand the customer they are targeting. That will influence your logo design.

A brand like Nickis, for example, sells children’s clothing and accessories. Its target customer would be parents with kids age 0-16. A logo that is appropriate for that audience is not the same as a logo that would appropriate for a woman in her early twenties shopping at an outlet site.

4. Make It Simple and Shareable
A logo design should be memorable, and there are two main factors that go into that. First, the design should be simple enough that people can understand it immediately. This isn’t the place to confuse customers or make them think. You want something that they can look at, understand, and engage with right away.

Second, the design should be sharable. Think about how important images are on social media. The logo you design should contribute to their social media profile in a positive way that is on-brand with its other messaging.

5. Be Open to Inspiration
Knowing everything you can about the clothing company and the target customer can provide important guidelines for logo design. But to truly create something that stands out, you’ll also need creative inspiration.

For fashion, be open to finding inspiration as you’re walking down the street.

You may see someone dressed in the style that the company caters to, and that could help you understand what direction the design should go in.

Ready to Get Started with Your Fashion Logo Design?

Once you have the inspiration and insights you need to create the perfect logo, you should be able to rely on the easiest online logo maker to get it done. For more information on how to get started, please view our tutorials, which will provide you with all the information you need.

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