
Wednesday 19 April 2017

It's a rainy afternoon and you've got a hot cup of tea and a box of dominoes. You set them up on end, one next to the other in a snaking line across your dining room table. Then you bump the first domino and watch as the rest fall down, one after the other.

Changing your logo is a lot like playing dominoes—once you start, you have to keep knocking over project after project until you've got all of your marketing pieces set up again.
Once you decide to create a new logo, you'll instantly find a whole new list of to-dos. This would include setting up the brand definition, expressing it in a logo, and then making sure that all of the rest of the pieces flow from those
Knocking down those to-dos takes more effort than the simple little bump that topples over the row of dominos.

Think back to the first time you designed your logo—the work, time, expense, and thought you had to put into the project. Just because this is a redesign doesn't mean that it will be any easier than the first time around. In fact, it may be more difficult since you're more invested in your business and brand than you were when you first launched it.

1. Having a good reason.
You need to have a reason that makes sense from a business perspective. If you're redesigning your logo because you're bored, this might not be the best use of your resources. But if you've made a major change in your services, target audience, or the benefits you provide, a redesign may be justified.
If you don't have a solid reason to redesign your logo, reconsider whether a redesign is the right path to take.

2. Hiring a designer.
Finding a designer to create just the right logo for your company takes time, attention to detail and the patience to really look into the designer's expertise. You may be lucky enough to already have a designer that you work with. In that case you just have to make sure that they have the time and inclination to work on your project. If you don't have a designer, you can see my tips on hiring a designer to learn more about the topic.

3. Re-examining your Brand Definition.
If you're going to redesign your logo, you might as well dig deeper into your brand and make sure that it's as polished and complete as possible. Going back over your business's personality, service offerings, product plans, and differentiation will help make sure you're developing a logo that will help you connect with your best customers. Clearly define who your target audience is and what they want to see in a logo.

4. Redesigning the logo is a big investment.
If you're going to change your logo, you'll be investing time, thought and money into the redesign. Make sure that you have the bandwidth and budget to give the project the attention it deserves.

5. Trashing and revising all of your existing marketing materials.
Once your new logo is complete you'll have to recycle your business cards, letterhead, brochures and other printed materials—and pay to have the new ones printed. Then there's redesigning your website (and the editing and rewriting that you should do along with that). And don't forget about changing the digital design templates on your computer—your branded email footer, newsletter templates, Word letterheads, and Quickbooks invoices.
Go through your marketing pieces and just think about what it would take to re-create those. The writing, editing, design, coding, printing... Do you really want to redo all that work? And will the redesign of all of those materials pay off?

6. Making the transition make sense for your clients.
Your clients get attached to your logo. They identify with it as the face of your business. If you just change your logo without saying anything to your clients, it can make them feel disoriented and disenfranchised—like their feelings about your business don't matter. Changing the way your materials look can make clients wonder if your business has been bought out, or if you've raised your prices or changed your level of service.
If you do create a new logo, be sure to inform your current and past clients about the change and to explain the reasoning behind the redesign. This simple act can help you keep their trust and keep them onboard with your business through the transition. 
Making sure that you're prepared to address these 6 steps in your logo redesign will ensure that a needed redesign goes smoothly—just like knocking over those dominos.

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Tuesday 4 April 2017

Concept of Design

Design is a very subjective thing, therefore, if you ask me how to come up with a first class design for your marketing collateral or publishing mediums, it would be very unfair for me or anyone else to tell you what is a good design and what is a bad design.......

But there are certain elements and principles that we should look for in a design to determine whether the design and layout of the material will be able to carry the message across effectively to the readers and your potential market. The main aim of every design material related to advertising or promotion is either to sell something, promote something or brand a company.

Keep the design and layout simple and clean

The more cluttered or messy the layout and design is for your marketing collateral, the harder it would be for your customers to find the important stuff. So, don’t overcrowd the design of your marketing materials. First and foremost, it should be kept clean and very simple. Yes, we all want to fit as much information as we can into the design but hey, keep the purpose of the design of the marketing stuff in mind. You want to design a novel or design something that sells.

Design Colors

If you have a set of corporate colors (like the colors that you use on your logo, letterhead, envelopes…etc), keep to the same colors in your design. You should present a very simplistic, unique, corporate, professional, consistent image, not a haphazard one. How can anyone rely on you when you have that kind of image, right? It’s best that you not use too many colors for your design. And another important point about designing marketing materials is this; avoid using all the colors of the rainbow in one design! You’re not trying to confuse your customers, you’re trying to make it easy for them to find information, attract them and urge them to buy something from you! I would say using 2 or 3 main colors from your corporate color for the design is good enough.


There are tons of free fonts (quite incredibly attractive ones at that) that you can find off the Internet for the design of your marketing stuff – but the sad news is that it’s not always possible to use all of them. Keep to one single font for the content in your design, and if you wish to, you can use a different (a bolder and louder font) for the headings and titles in your design.

Images in your design

Unlike web publishing, using images in the design of your brochures, flyers, menus, company profiles is always a good idea. Enticing your customers with useful pictures or diagrams that illustrates your point or including pictures of your products in the design of your marketing stuff is encouraged. Be careful and weary of using stock photos from the web for your marketing material. One, the resolution of such images (those that you can get off the Internet) is never good enough for printing purposes. Two, you’ll get in trouble with the people who actually owns the rights to those images. So, if possible, if you want to use pictures or illustrative images in your designDescription: Find Article, it’s best to either get the pictures for the design yourself (with your digital camera) or you should just purchase it

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I will do 3 unique modern minimalist business logo design

Logo Design Tips! # Logo design is a crucial aspect of any business or brand, as it serves as the visual representation of the company'...